Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Dr. Hudson accepting new clients?

    • Yes, Dr. Hudson is accepting new clients. Please call the office to get on the schedule. 314-626-0271 or visit the Appointments page to learn more.

  • How much are appointments?

    • Fees are as follows:

      • 75m Initial Visit $275 (new clients)

        • 50% non-refundable visit fee required when scheduling

          • All major credit cards are accepted.

      • 45m Return Visit $140 (active clients & re-establishing care)

      • 20m Check-In Visit $75 (active clients)

    • Note: Recommended testing is an additional cost. See Labs.

  • How do I know if I am an active client?

    • Active clients are those who Dr. Hudson has met with within the last year. If you’ve seen Dr. Hudson before but it’s been over a year, a 45-minute return visit will be required to re-establish care.

  • What happens during an Initial Visit ?

    • Your initial appointment is largely information gathering so that Dr. Hudson can begin to formulate a detailed picture of your case. While you will leave with a list of recommendations, Dr. Hudson may also recommend further testing in order to collect more in-depth insight. It is typically in the follow up appointments that a more clear understanding of your health issues and the solutions come into focus.

  • Is Dr. Hudson seeing clients in-person?

    • Yes, Dr. Hudson sees clients both in person and via Telehealth. You will be asked at the time of booking if you would like to come into the office or have a Telehealth appointment. There is no cost difference between the two. If virtual appointments are more convenient for you, Dr. Hudson can confidently handle complex cases over telehealth.

      • About Telehealth appointments: 

        If you select Telehealth for your visit you will:

        • Receive a link and password code to the video conference.

        • Meet with Dr. Hudson over video (or phone call) to discuss your health.

        • Be sent a record of your visit with recommendations  following your visit. 

        A main goal of Telehealth is to make sure that you get good, personal health care, even though you are not seeing a provider in person. The policies regarding privacy of your health information and medical records apply to Telehealth and also apply to the video, photo, and audio files that could be made and stored.

      • About In Person appointments:

        Our office is located In Forest & Meadow Herbal Shop and Clinic at: 3232 Ivanhoe Ave, St. Louis, MO 63139

        • Please enter through the main entrance of Forest & Meadow Herbal Shop and Clinic/ Dr. Hudson will meet you in the shop and escort you her office. Feel free to let the front desk know you’re here to see Dr. Hudson.

        • Please note that Forest & Meadow opens to the public at 10AM. If you schedule your office visit for before 10AM, you will need to be let in by Dr. Hudson at their secondary entrance marked 3228. This entrance is to the left of their main entrance. If you arrive before your meeting time, please send a text to the office number letting her know that you’re waiting outside.

        • Masks are required inside the common areas of Forest and Meadow. Once you enter Dr. Hudson's office, masks are not required. We ask that you please respect the policies of Forest and Meadow. For your convenience there is a basket of masks always available right outside the entrance to the building.

        • There is a parking lot conveniently located to the north side of the building at the corner of Ivanhoe and Bradley. There are usually spots available in the lot, and there is one handicap accessible spot. If there are no spots available, you may park up to 2 hours on the street in front of the building for free.

        • Here is a link to our location on Google maps:​​

  • Does Dr. Hudson Take insurance?

    • Insurance is not currently accepted for Naturopathic Doctors in the state of Missouri. We’re hopeful this will change in the future. If you utilize a health savings account (HSA or FSA) to pay for healthcare costs, check with your insurance company about using this account to cover your costs at our office.

  • Can Dr. Hudson order labs?

    • Dr. Hudson can order some specialty testing including but not limited to in depth hormone testing, comprehensive stool analysis, IgG food sensitivity panels, and organic acids testing. Labs and testing details can be discussed at your first visit. Labs will be part of out of cost payments. See Labs.

  • What can Dr. Hudson do to help me?

    • Dr. Hudson can support you in optimizing your health by using the Naturopathic principles and the therapeutic order. She utilizes supplements, targeted nutrients, herbal medicine, and mental health interventions in order to support your physical and mental health. She will help you with specific goals you and her discuss during an appointment. Above all, Dr. Hudson will always take the time to listen to your story and trust that you understand your body best.

  • Can Dr. Hudson help manage my chronic health condition?

    • It is important to have chronic conditions (such as diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, etc.) managed by your primary health care providers. Dr. Hudson can provide additional and supportive care to your existing medical plan.

  • I have a medical emergency. Do you do same day appointments?

    • No, Dr. Hudson does not do same day appointments and if you need emergency care, please seek immediate medical care by dialing 911 or contacting your primary care physician.

  • Can Dr. Hudson be my primary care physician?

    • In short, no. Though 20 U.S. States recognize Naturopathic Doctors as physicians, Missouri is not one of them.

      • For this reason Dr. Hudson does not offer medical diagnoses or treatment and she strongly encourages you to maintain an active relationship with your primary care physician, which will help facilitate the work that she and you will do together. All recommendations discussed at your appointment with Dr. Hudson should be discussed with your doctor.

  • Can Dr. Hudson be my child’s pediatrician?

    • No, Dr. Hudson cannot be a replacement for your child’s primary care pediatrician for the same reasons stated above.

  • Can Dr. Hudson prescribe or help manage my medication?

    • Dr. Hudson cannot prescribe or manage medication as she is not a licensed medical provider in Missouri.

  • Does Dr. Hudson have experience with the oncology aspect of naturopathic medicine? 

    • Dr. Hudson is not a naturopathic cancer specialist, but will work with people to help mitigate symptoms of conventional cancer treatment.